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Colonial Society of Massachusetts Graduate Student Forum

Graduate students preparing original research on any area of early American history (up to 1815) at both the MA and PhD levels are invited to submit proposals for the Colonial Society of Massachusetts’s annual Graduate Student Forum. You will discuss your work with between six and ten peers from other universities and with the Colonial Society’s members. The Forum will begin on Thursday afternoon, June 2, and will conclude Friday afternoon, June 3, with remarks by moderator Jonathan M. Chu, Professor of History in the College of Liberal Arts at UMass Boston and the editor of the New England Quarterly. Presenters should plan to outline a major finding from their research anchored in the relevant historiography.

Lire la suite sur le carnet Europe’s Association for Early American Studies.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Laurent Gallet (9 février 2022). Colonial Society of Massachusetts Graduate Student Forum. Les moissons d'hypothèses. Consulté le 16 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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