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[Appel à communications] “Human and Nonhuman Relations and Imagineries in the Midlle Ages”, éd. Trivent Medieval (limite : 01/09/23)

As climate change and biodiversity loss become two major environmental concerns of the twenty-first century, it is high time we address medieval perceptions of the natural environment and how they can inform our own relationships with the world we are occupying and inevitably changing. This first volume of the Environmental History series titled Human and Nonhuman Relations and Imaginaries in the Middle Ages seeks to explore the many ways in which humans perceived, studied, imagined, interacted with, used, and transformed their natural environment in the medieval period. We invite chapter contributions addressing (but not limited to) suggested topics.

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Laurent Gallet (26 juin 2023). [Appel à communications] “Human and Nonhuman Relations and Imagineries in the Midlle Ages”, éd. Trivent Medieval (limite : 01/09/23). Les moissons d'hypothèses. Consulté le 16 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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