Massachusetts Historical Society Fellowships 2022-23

The Massachusetts Historical Society will offer dozens of research fellowships for the 2022-2023 academic year, ranging from short-term support to long-term residency. The MHS collections primarily consist of manuscripts, as well as books, pamphlets, maps, newspapers, graphics, photographs, works of art, and historical artifacts. In addition to receiving funding, MHS Research Fellows become part of a scholarly community that includes other current fellows, MHS staff, Boston-area scholars, and former fellows. They may participate in our Brown Bag Lunch Series, present their own research, attend seminars, and join MHS staff and other fellows for weekly coffees.

Lire la suite sur le carnet Europe’s Association for Early American Studies.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Laurent Gallet (1 octobre 2021). Massachusetts Historical Society Fellowships 2022-23. Les moissons d'hypothèses. Consulté le 9 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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