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Tapping a disaster: Mitigating the strategic implications of Sri Lanka’s economic crisis

The economic crisis provides an opportunity for India to display its goodwill in Sri Lanka and also nudge the state to respect Indian interests and sensitivities. While Sri Lanka’s interests and aspirations might lie with a closer relationship with China, it is India’s responsibility to begin engaging and negotiating with Sri Lanka over the crisis. And the more India delays to tap on this crisis, the more it opens the door for Sri Lanka to make concessions and negotiations with others, especially China, writes Aditya Gowdara Shivamurthy.

Lire la suite sur le carnet European Association of young researchers on South Asia.

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Laurent Gallet (1 octobre 2021). Tapping a disaster: Mitigating the strategic implications of Sri Lanka’s economic crisis. Les moissons d'hypothèses. Consulté le 16 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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